The comedy adventure follows the story of school friends, Max and John, who are obsessed with a fantasy card game: Battle Day Zero. The unlikely heroes accidentally bring one of the game’s characters to life and unknowingly open a portal between the anime world and their sleepy town. Life will never be the same again!
Exchange Student Zero HINDI Episodes
Card-play goes off the rails when the boys realize they can spin Denmead between worlds at their whim. Max and John are having too much fun to heed Hiro's warning and find themselves with, not one, but two Denmeads. Expecting double trouble (read double pounding!) they are surprised when both Denmeads fall head over heels with each other and are too infatuated to seek retribution. It proves to be a challenging situation for everybody.
Episode 03 - School Photo A mysterious school photographer is engaged to take this year's class photos and for once there are no complaints about the results. The reason? There are no students! Anyone who was taking part has disappeared into Zero and has been forced to servein King Blackyard's army. Parents fear the worst, John and Max smell a rat, and the police decide an underage party is afoot. Strangely all are right in one way or another. Episode 05 - His Life As A Dog The leader of the Wolf Soldiers of the 4th Water Principal, long-time allies of Hiro's clan, needs a place to hide out and the Stitt house seems the perfect choice. Matters are complicated when Peg assumes he is a dog, the fact he is 8 feet tall, has six legs, wears a tunic and wields an axe does not seem to register. He begrudgingly plays along, stay on his mat and puts up with the indignities of the social scene at the dog park.
Episode 06 - See Ya Later, Gladiator When a school play is not big enough to satisfy Max's theatrical ambitions he takes matters into his own hands...which just happen to be holding the powered-up deck of cards. Stardom awaits in the other world but unfortunately for Max he finds it isin the gladiatorial arena. Not one to think much about the future, Max enjoys the present right up to the bitter end that awaits him - and those he happily drags down with him.
Episode 08 - Sweet Potato An inferior set of Battle Day Zero cards is mysteriously released as a giveaway by a potato chip company. Hiro is on the case but the boys are distracted by the arrival of a giant devil baby, Sweet Potato, who emerges from a chip packet and wreaks havoc on the town. A cautionary tale regarding teen parenting ensues.
NOTE - Episode 01- Good Old Bad Old Days, Episode 04- Reign of Error Were Aired In English