Monday 6 January 2014

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm HINDI Full Movie

10 years before the events of Batman: The Animated Series, Bruce Wayne meets a woman named Andrea Beaumont in a cemetery while visiting his parents' grave. That night, Bruce foils an armored car robbery while disguised in a black ski-mask and leather jacket. He does succeed but is discouraged to find that the criminals did not fear him. Bruce starts a relationship with Andrea and decides to propose marriage to her rather than become a crime-fighting vigilante.
Unfortunately, Andrea finds out that her father, Carl, owes a large amount of money to crime lord Salvatore Valestra. Carl and Andrea flee Gotham City to hide in Europe, with Andrea ending her engagement to Bruce. This rejection spurs him into becoming Batman. Seven years later, Carl is murdered by the assassin, Jack Napier, under orders from the Valestra gang.
Andrea returns to Gotham. During a conference of crime bosses held in a Gotham City skyscraper, a Valestra enforcer, Chuckie Sol, is killed by a mysterious cloaked figure — the Phantasm. Due to the Phantasm's resemblance to Batman, the Dark Knight is blamed for Sol's death. Councillor Arthur Reeves tells the media that Batman is a public menace (despite Commissioner Gordon's protests) and issues a task force to hunt down the Dark Knight.
The Phantasm finds and murders another Valestra enforcer, Buzz Bronski. Batman soon finds evidence linking Andrea's father with Valestra. The Phantasm later targets Valestra, who turns to the Joker for help. The Phantasm arrives at Valestra's house, and finds the gangster already dead at the Joker's hands; the house then explodes, with the Phantasm barely escaping. Batman pursues the killer, but is interrupted by the police, who believe that Batman is responsible for the murders. Andrea rescues Batman in her car, and they spend the night together. Andrea explains to Bruce why she and her father left Gotham. Batman comes to suspect that Andrea's father may be the Phantasm, but later gets Reeves (who has been poisoned by the Joker) to confess that he told the Valestra mob where Beaumont was hiding in return for campaign contributions, and that the mob ordered Beaumont's death.
The Phantasm tracks the Joker to his hideout — an abandoned world's fair amusement park — and removes its ominous costume: the Phantasm is Andrea, intent on avenging her father's death at the hands of the Joker, who is revealed to be Valestra's former hit man. Batman arrives and saves Andrea from the Joker, and begs Andrea to give up her quest for revenge. She refuses, stating that the mob ruined her life by taking away her future with him; she then tells Batman that he himself is driven by revenge before disappearing. Batman battles with the Joker, a struggle that ends in stalemate. Moments later, Andrea returns and seizes the Joker, bidding Batman goodbye before vanishing with the maniacally laughing clown in a cloud of smoke as the entire amusement park erupts in a series of rigged explosions. Batman barely escapes by falling into a waterway and being swept away to safety by the current.
Alfred later consoles a heartbroken Bruce, telling him that no one could have helped Andrea. Bruce finds a locket containing a picture of himself and Andrea left behind in the Batcave. Meanwhile, Andrea is shown standing alone on the deck of a departing ocean liner. In the final scene, Batman stands alone on the top of a Gotham building; when the Bat-Signal appears in the sky, he swings off into the night to continue his war on crime.

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