Sunday 31 August 2014

The Spider-Verse Special Episode In Hindi & English!

Greetings Spider Fans The Spider-Verse Is Nothing But A Four Part Special Episode Of The Series Ultimate Spider-Man! This Include Episode 61,62,63,64. These Episodes First Premiered In India On 31st Of August 2014. Currently,The Episode 61 Would Air On 6th Sep. In UK And In US The Season 3 Is Just Been Premiered Enjoy The Episodes Which Are Only Released In India As Of  31 August! Enjoy The Rare Episodes Of Ultimate Spider-Man Season 03 In HINDI And ENGLISH!

Promo's (Hindi)

Promo's (English)

The Spider-Verse Special Episodes (HINDI)

Goblin uses Electro to power up the siege perilous to collect the DNA of other Spider-Men. Spider-Man follows Goblin and boosts the confidence of Spider-Man 2099 and helps Spider-Girl to defeat Norma Osborn.

Spider-Man continues following Green Goblin across the multiverse to stop him from collecting Spider-Men DNA. He helps Spider-Man Noir to renew his friendship with Mary Jane and helps Peter Porker regain his will to become Spider-Ham.

Spider-Man helps Spider-Knight take down the medieval Dr. Octopus and save York, then helps Miles Morales forgive himself for what happened to Peter Parker in his universe.

Spider-Man finally ends up in his own universe, he finds Green Goblin has injected himself with the Spider-Men DNA from all the universes to become the Spider-Goblin. With Electro's help from the Siege Perilous he summons all the Spider-Men dubbed Web-Warriors and defeats the Spider-Goblin, but Electro turns on them and uses the Helicarrier to self-destruct and take out New York but is stopped with the help of Spider-Ham and Spider-Girl.

The Spider-Verse Special Episodes (ENGLISH)

Goblin uses Electro to power up the siege perilous to collect the DNA of other Spider-Men. Spider-Man follows Goblin and boosts the confidence of Spider-Man 2099 and helps Spider-Girl to defeat Norma Osborn.

Spider-Man continues following Green Goblin across the multiverse to stop him from collecting Spider-Men DNA. He helps Spider-Man Noir to renew his friendship with Mary Jane and helps Peter Porker regain his will to become Spider-Ham.

Spider-Man helps Spider-Knight take down the medieval Dr. Octopus and save York, then helps Miles Morales forgive himself for what happened to Peter Parker in his universe.

Spider-Man finally ends up in his own universe, he finds Green Goblin has injected himself with the Spider-Men DNA from all the universes to become the Spider-Goblin. With Electro's help from the Siege Perilous he summons all the Spider-Men dubbed Web-Warriors and defeats the Spider-Goblin, but Electro turns on them and uses the Helicarrier to self-destruct and take out New York but is stopped with the help of Spider-Ham and Spider-Girl.

Saturday 30 August 2014

Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13! HINDI Full Movie (1995) Full [HD]

The death of Dr. Gero at the hands of Androids 17 and 18 prompts the activation of Androids 13, 14, and 15. They try to kill Goku, who fights them with the help of Trunks, Piccolo, Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon HINDI Full Movie (1995) [HD]

A mysterious being named Hoy arrives on Earth and asks the Z Warriors to use the dragon balls to help him release Tapion. Tapion, an ancient warrior imprisoned in a music box, and Hoy needs him to fend off the monster Hildegarn, who is coming to destroy the Earth. But when they realize that Hoy is the last survivor of an evil race bent on the destruction of those who they consider inferior, and that by releasing Tapion they also released Hildegarn, they must fight alongside Tapion to stop the monster.

Saturday 9 August 2014

Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn HINDI Full Movie (1995) [HD]

When a worker at King Yemma's spiritual check-in station is accidentally covered in spiritual waste, he is transformed into a powerful monster named Janempa, who destroys the barrier between the real world and Other World, allowing the dead to walk the Earth. As the living Z Fighters fend off the dead, it is up to Goku, Pikkon, and Vegeta to stop Janempa.

Starting 20 Minutes Of The Movie Is In English And After That Rest Is In HINDI!

Friday 8 August 2014

Thor: Tales of Asgard HINDI Full Movie [HD] (2011)

Long before he was worthy to wield the war hammer, Mjolnir, Thor, son of Odin, was an impetuous young prince of Asgard hungry to prove himself a worth warrior. To that end, he and his half-brother, Loki, stow away with the the Warriors Three to find the Sword of Surtur in Yodenheim. However, that quest would prove more challenging than the prince anticipated as grave perils and agonizing moral choices arise. Now, Thor must call upon far more than his strength to save his people from the consequences of both of his and his father's mistakes in an adventure that would help shape him as the great Avenger of a later time and world.

Doctor Strange The Sorcerer Supreme HINDI Full Movie [HD] (2007)

Dr. Stephen Strange embarks on a wondrous journey to the heights of a Tibetan mountain, where he seeks healing at the feet of the mysterious Ancient One. But before his wounds can mend, Strange must first let go of his painful past and awaken a gift granted to very few. The gift of magic. Empowered as the new Sorcerer Supreme, Dr. Strange now tests his limits, rising up against monsters that push at the gates, facing the most terrifying entity humankind has ever known.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Jackie Chan Adventures HINDI Season 01 Episodes (The Twelve Talismans)

Jackie Chan, an archaeologist in this series, gets caught up in a conflict between government agency Section 13 and a criminal syndicate known as the Dark Hand. Led by Valmont, the Dark Hand is collecting magical talismans to reanimate an ancient dragon-like demon known as Shendu. Jackie also has to keep an eye on his adventurous niece, Jade, who has just flown in from Hong Kong. Jackie Chan, Jade, and his uncle must do all they can to stop evil from obtaining these powerful talismans and must embark on many missions to save the world from evil.
There are 12 talismans of the Chinese zodiac (Rooster, Ox, Snake, Sheep, Rabbit, Rat, Dragon, Horse, Monkey, Dog, Pig and Tiger).
Each possessing a different power (levitation, super strength, invisibility, astral projection, super speed, animation for immovable, combustion, healing, animals transformation, imortality, heat-vision and spiritual balance, respectively).
All of the talismans were created 900 years ago when ancient and good chi wizards imprisoned Shendu in a stone tablet, making his powers divided into 12 talismans.

[Complete Season 01]

Jackie recovers a shield from Bavaria. When he returns home, he finds some people are very interested in the shield, including an old friend who asks Jackie for some help. Jackie's niece, Jade, arrives in America.

Uncle tells Jackie of the legend of the Talismans. The Dark Hand tries to get the Rooster Talisman from Jackie.

Jackie meets El Toro Fuerte, "Mexico's Mightiest Wrestler", and realizes El Toro wears the Ox Talisman on his mask. The Dark Hand overwhelms El Toro, and Jackie must retrieve the talisman.

Jackie ends up in jail after trying to prevent a talisman from falling into the wrong hands. Jade meets a skilled female jewel thief named the Viper and Jade wants to be just like her.

The Dark Hand steals a turtle named Aesop to get the Rabbit Talisman within his shell. Jackie wants the talisman back, while Jade tries to save Aesop from being eaten by Dr. Carl Nivor.

Jade is able to "exit" her body through Astral Projection, a power discovered in a new talisman. Shendu enters the vacant body of Jade and plans to pose as her to retrieve the other talismans.

Jade is getting bullied in school and after Valmont's men are able to steal the Dragon Talisman from Jackie, Valmont uses it to steal money from the New York Bank against Shendu's wishes. Things get worse when Captain Black is hospitalized during Valmont's robbery, which causes Jackie to develop a personal grudge in taking Valmont down. Jackie must put his anger aside and use his head if he is to stop Valmont from robbing Fort Knox.

This story begins with a turn for the worse when Jackie breaks his leg over Jade's Gnomekop action figire. This would warrant a leave of absence for anyone else, but when Jade accidentally drops the Rat Talisman into Gnomekop's battery storage, it comes alive and Jackie needs to clean up her mess.

After Jackie succeeds in taking the Horse Talisman from the Enforcers in the North Pole, Valmont lures Jackie into a trap at Mount Rushmore and infects Jackie with a poison he received from Shendu. Jackie is now slowly turning to stone, and to receive the antidote, Valmont demands that Jackie deliver all the Talismans in the Section 13 vault before Jackie turns to stone.

Jackie, Jade and the Dark Hand Enforcers are washed up on an island in Micronesia after fighting over the Monkey Talisman. Jade becomes a monkey, but another one steals the Talisman and she is unable to change back.

After Tohru fails to stop Jackie from getting the Dog Talisman, Valmont hires Hak Foo to retrieve the Pig Talisman from Jackie, Uncle and Jade in Bavaria.

After Jade and Jackie battle Tohru at a pie eating contest, Jackie gets the Tiger Talisman and its power splits Jackie into his yin and yang sides. The Dark Jackie gives all the Talismans to Valmont who then revives Shendu, the mightiest Demon beast of them all!

Shendu retrieves all Twelve Talismans and transforms into a 50 foot humanoid Dragon. Now, he is on the loose and ready to conquer the entire continent of Asia and conjure monster minions to help him free his brethren. Jackie, Uncle and Jade must find the creature and annihilate it before Asia is destroyed. Uncle makes a magic potion that allows Jackie to penetrate your hands into Shendu's skin to steal the twelve talismans back.

The Super Hero Squad Show HINDI Episodes [HD]

Marvel's greatest heroes and evilest of villains battle it out in action packed yet somewhat satirical alternate universe-style adventures.

The Squad has a big mission to keep a fractal from Dr. Doom. Falcon is eager to show he's no rookie, but his teammates underestimate him. Meanwhile, Doom employs the disgusting and VERY gassy Mole Man to find the fractal first but Mole Man gets freaky powerful when he touches it and decides to use his monster buddies to conquer Super Hero City!

Introducing Reptil, a teen Hispanic hero thrilled to join the Squad as a trainee. Wolverine is very reluctantly assigned to be Reptil's mentor. On their first mission, hotshot Reptil gets himself in hot water with the Abomination and the Wrecking Crew. Shaken, Reptil has to get back in the game when he is the only one who can help Wolverine during a Lethal Legion ambush.

Silver Surfer can't get a hang of earth customs, and drives his Squad buddies to frustration. So the Surfer sadly heads out on his own. Dr. Doom seizes the opportunity to capture him, realizing he can suck out the Surfer's power to combine fractals and make an Infinity dagger. Yet the Silver Surfer enjoys torturing his own captors (Abomination & M.O.D.O.K.). Fortunately, the Thing rallies the Squad to save their lost friend in an all-out assault on Villainville.

Supernatural wackiness is turning the city (and the Squad) upside-down. The Squad goes to the mysterious Dr. Strange for help, but Strange tricks them into battling the dread Dormammu. It seems a wayward fractal is stuck in the Eye of Agomotto but can the heroes possibly free Dr. Strange from the fractal's influence, defeat Dormammu and rescue the city from an army of Mindless Ones, all at the same time?

When a bratty 3-year old girl wears a fractal tiara, she gains terrifying power over reality itself. Mayhem reigns for heroes AND villains. But the Heroes For Hire are on the case to help the Squad find her father and stop Doom's plan to use this chaos to his advantage.

Episode 07 - O, Brother! 
Loki borrows some of Doom's henchmen to start a war in Asgard, leaving the Lethal Legion headquarters less well defended. This prompts Iron Man to try and get at the villains' fractal stash.

The mysterious Scorpio steals a Collider control program from Stark Industries and manages to keep one step ahead of the Super Hero Squad at all times. An impressed Doc Doom wants Scorpio, not to mention the Stark tech, to help him create a black hole.

Enchantress uses her magic to crash the Helicarrier into the Great Wall near Villainville and Ms. Marvel blames Falcon for the crash. After attempts to bunk in at Stark Industries, Punisher's van, and Reptil's house, they try the Sanctum Sanctorum where Doctor Strange warns them that there is a magic threat responsible for their misfortunes.

Falcon is doubting his own usefulness on the Squad. When a miniaturized Egghead steals an Infinity Fractal on the Helicarrier, Ant-Man shrinks most of the Squaddies down to the villains size.

Wolverine wants to quit being a Squaddie and is reassigned to the All Captain Squad. As 'Captain Canada', he joins Captain America, Captain Britain, Captain Australia, Captain Brazil and Captain Liechtenstein. Their first mission pits them against Plant Man in the South American Rainforest. Meanwhile, back in Super Hero City, Doctor Doom is trying to recruit the Ringmaster into his Lethal Legion and Reptil steps up to replace Wolverine's animal factor in the SHS lineup.

Thanos approaches Doom with an unholy alliance and asks the Lethal Legion to steal an artifact from the Baxter Building. Meanwhile The Super Squad teams up with the Fantastic Four to fight off a Skrull invasion.

Shield agent Black Widow helps the Super Hero Squad out in a fight and is invited to stay aboard the Helicarrier. Little do the Squaddies realize she is actually Mystique in disguise and reporting to Doctor Doom.

When an Infinity Fractal is attached to M.O.D.O.K.'s head, he gains the power to drain those of others. Soon, the Mighty M.O.D.O.K. rules Villainville with Loki as his new BFF (Best Fiend Forever).

Enchantres plans to make Thor fall in love with her by using an Asgardian Love Lutefisk. But Ms. Marvel ends up loving M.O.D.O.K. instead. Thor is only interested in Valkyrie anyway.

When Baron Mordo possesses Iron Man turning him into the Iron Menace, Hulk and Silver Surfer must team up with Doctor Strange and Valkyrie to form a team of Defenders and stop Baron Mordo's evil plot.

War Machine teams up with Iron Man when Doctor Doom, Crimson Dynamo, and Melter band together in a plot to eliminate Iron Man. Meanwhile, Wolverine and Reptil face off against Abomination and M.O.D.O.K. in a game of golf.

When a smilodon appears in Super Hero City, a mysterious jungle lord named Ka-Zar shows up. Meanwhile, the Lethal Legion have plans for the smilodon.

Captain America sends Wolverine back to Xavier Academy to get his diploma and finish his remaining credits. Reptil tags along to see what Xavier Academy is like. To make matters worse, Ringmaster shows up and hypnotizes the entire X-Men team.

A new villain is in town Magneto! And he has tricked his own kids into a sinister plot to steal the Vault's fractals for Dr. Doom. But will the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver do dad's bidding or help Falcon save the day?

Saturday 2 August 2014

Doraemon The Movie Jadoo Mantar Aur Jahnoom Hindi Full Movie [HD]

Generator Rex HINDI Episodes

A 15 year old boy with the ability to produce machines from his body via nanites is enlisted by the government to stop other creatures created by the same science.

Exclusively On TNI!

Season 01 [HD]

Nanite activity is increasing around the world. Rex decides to go to one area for Spring Break. He befriends a lonely young woman with a secret agenda.

Rex and Noah enter the Zoo. A restricted area on the base. Some personal secrets are revealed.

Rex hides from Providence. He encounters a group of scientists that have created a hidden community. The community doesn't realize what the creator had it mind when he built the community.

Rex absorbs too many nanites requiring an emergency visit to a secret Providence base to store the excess nanites.

Episode 07 - Leader of the Pack 
The agents of Providence try to stop Van Kleiss when he arrives in New York City.

Episode 08 - Breach 
Rex vanishes, and Breach is the only person who knows where he is. As Rex explores his surroundings, Holiday tries to figure out where Breach has him hidden.

Episode 09 - Dark Passage 
Rex and company head down to South America to locate a researcher who worked on nanites before the Event. He may also have answers to Rex's past.

Episode 10 - The Forgotten 
A Providence team retrieving some valuable data is shot down over Kiev, which has been sealed off from the rest of the world. Rex, Six, and Bobo must enter the dome to retrieve the data, and encounter the inhabitants.

Episode 11 - Operation: Wingman 
Noah is in desperate need of Rex's help. He's scored the perfect date for prom, but needs a wingman. Rex agrees to go, but what Noah isn't telling him is that Rex's otherwise cute date Annie is a walking death sentence. Known as "The Blonde Widow" because of her unusual bad luck, only Rex has the power get them through the evening alive.

Episode 13 - The Hunter 
Rex encounters Hunter Cain. A man determined to destroy all Evos, including Rex.

Episode 19 - Promises, Promises 
In this flashback story, we see how Rex became a part of Providence.

Episode 20 - Badlands
Rex, Noah and Bobo must fend off cyborg bandits while transporting unstable nanites across the desert.

Episode 21 - Payback 
Van Kleiss has plotted his ultimate revenge: to take down Providence for good. After commandeering the Keep and laying siege to Headquarters, Providence is brought to its knees. And in an even more shocking twist, Van Kliess has managed to regain even stronger powers by taking Rex's from him! With Noah and Bobo at his side, Rex escapes the siege and retreats to a distant Providence base where a last ditch effort to regain his powers is attempted. It works, but with surprising results. Rex can now create even MORE machines...

Season 02 [HD]

Episode 22 - Rampage
Van Kleiss turns Noah into an EVO! Can Rex cure his best friend in time?

Episode 23 - Waste Land 
Rex and Six go deep sea diving and discover an entire civilization of evo fish-and they aren't happy!

Episode 24 - Lost Weekend 
While fighting an E.V.O., Rex and Bobo hear of a party in the middle of a desert. Later, White Knight assigns them a mission at an underground event in the Sonoran Desert, with entertainment being provided by E.V.O.s.

Episode 25 - Alliance 
Rex and Bobo find themselves in the Bug Jar - No Face's home. But they aren't the only visitors. The Pack is there too!

Episode 26 - Robo Bobo 
Rex is suspicious of the way Bobo is acting and is shocked when he finds out why!

Episode 27 - Divide By Six 
Six, and some of his old associates, take Rex to a secluded island. Six hopes Rex can cure his mentor, while his former comrades have a different solution in mind.

Episode 28 - Mixed Signals 
Rex meets his long-lost brother, Caesar!

Episode 30 - Haunted 
Rex and Noah go on a double-date with Claire and Annie and end up fighting an EVO ghost in a haunted house!

Episode 32 - Without a Paddle 
Noah needs Rex to be his partner for the school's State champion table tennis tournament.

Episode 33 - Written in Sand 
Rex and Van Kleiss are forced to work together to fight...Zag.R.S?!

Episode 34 - Night Falls 
Rex and Caesar visit their Abuela in Mexico. Hunter Cain is back

Breach is targeting the girls of Rex's life: Cricket and Circe! Or is she?

Episode 36 - A Family Holiday 
Dr. Holiday desperately searches for a cure for her EVO sister.

Friday 1 August 2014

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload HINDI Episodes [HD]

Maximum Overload features LEGO Spider-Man and some of Marvels most popular heroes and villains, offering an original look at the Marvel Universe on a LEGO scale. The 22-minute animated special is a comedy-adventure in which the mischievous Loki challenges the Marvel super heroes yet againbut this time, hes putting together an army of super villains to conquer the Earth. Iron Man, Thor, Iron Fist, Captain America, Nick Fury, Black Widow, Falcon, Wolverine and many more heroes face off against Venom, Doc Ock, Mandarin and the Red Skull in the ultimate battle. And, of course, no Marvel production is complete without a special guest appearance from Stan The Man Lee!

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload HINDI Episodes