Thursday 7 August 2014

The Super Hero Squad Show HINDI Episodes [HD]

Marvel's greatest heroes and evilest of villains battle it out in action packed yet somewhat satirical alternate universe-style adventures.

The Squad has a big mission to keep a fractal from Dr. Doom. Falcon is eager to show he's no rookie, but his teammates underestimate him. Meanwhile, Doom employs the disgusting and VERY gassy Mole Man to find the fractal first but Mole Man gets freaky powerful when he touches it and decides to use his monster buddies to conquer Super Hero City!

Introducing Reptil, a teen Hispanic hero thrilled to join the Squad as a trainee. Wolverine is very reluctantly assigned to be Reptil's mentor. On their first mission, hotshot Reptil gets himself in hot water with the Abomination and the Wrecking Crew. Shaken, Reptil has to get back in the game when he is the only one who can help Wolverine during a Lethal Legion ambush.

Silver Surfer can't get a hang of earth customs, and drives his Squad buddies to frustration. So the Surfer sadly heads out on his own. Dr. Doom seizes the opportunity to capture him, realizing he can suck out the Surfer's power to combine fractals and make an Infinity dagger. Yet the Silver Surfer enjoys torturing his own captors (Abomination & M.O.D.O.K.). Fortunately, the Thing rallies the Squad to save their lost friend in an all-out assault on Villainville.

Supernatural wackiness is turning the city (and the Squad) upside-down. The Squad goes to the mysterious Dr. Strange for help, but Strange tricks them into battling the dread Dormammu. It seems a wayward fractal is stuck in the Eye of Agomotto but can the heroes possibly free Dr. Strange from the fractal's influence, defeat Dormammu and rescue the city from an army of Mindless Ones, all at the same time?

When a bratty 3-year old girl wears a fractal tiara, she gains terrifying power over reality itself. Mayhem reigns for heroes AND villains. But the Heroes For Hire are on the case to help the Squad find her father and stop Doom's plan to use this chaos to his advantage.

Episode 07 - O, Brother! 
Loki borrows some of Doom's henchmen to start a war in Asgard, leaving the Lethal Legion headquarters less well defended. This prompts Iron Man to try and get at the villains' fractal stash.

The mysterious Scorpio steals a Collider control program from Stark Industries and manages to keep one step ahead of the Super Hero Squad at all times. An impressed Doc Doom wants Scorpio, not to mention the Stark tech, to help him create a black hole.

Enchantress uses her magic to crash the Helicarrier into the Great Wall near Villainville and Ms. Marvel blames Falcon for the crash. After attempts to bunk in at Stark Industries, Punisher's van, and Reptil's house, they try the Sanctum Sanctorum where Doctor Strange warns them that there is a magic threat responsible for their misfortunes.

Falcon is doubting his own usefulness on the Squad. When a miniaturized Egghead steals an Infinity Fractal on the Helicarrier, Ant-Man shrinks most of the Squaddies down to the villains size.

Wolverine wants to quit being a Squaddie and is reassigned to the All Captain Squad. As 'Captain Canada', he joins Captain America, Captain Britain, Captain Australia, Captain Brazil and Captain Liechtenstein. Their first mission pits them against Plant Man in the South American Rainforest. Meanwhile, back in Super Hero City, Doctor Doom is trying to recruit the Ringmaster into his Lethal Legion and Reptil steps up to replace Wolverine's animal factor in the SHS lineup.

Thanos approaches Doom with an unholy alliance and asks the Lethal Legion to steal an artifact from the Baxter Building. Meanwhile The Super Squad teams up with the Fantastic Four to fight off a Skrull invasion.

Shield agent Black Widow helps the Super Hero Squad out in a fight and is invited to stay aboard the Helicarrier. Little do the Squaddies realize she is actually Mystique in disguise and reporting to Doctor Doom.

When an Infinity Fractal is attached to M.O.D.O.K.'s head, he gains the power to drain those of others. Soon, the Mighty M.O.D.O.K. rules Villainville with Loki as his new BFF (Best Fiend Forever).

Enchantres plans to make Thor fall in love with her by using an Asgardian Love Lutefisk. But Ms. Marvel ends up loving M.O.D.O.K. instead. Thor is only interested in Valkyrie anyway.

When Baron Mordo possesses Iron Man turning him into the Iron Menace, Hulk and Silver Surfer must team up with Doctor Strange and Valkyrie to form a team of Defenders and stop Baron Mordo's evil plot.

War Machine teams up with Iron Man when Doctor Doom, Crimson Dynamo, and Melter band together in a plot to eliminate Iron Man. Meanwhile, Wolverine and Reptil face off against Abomination and M.O.D.O.K. in a game of golf.

When a smilodon appears in Super Hero City, a mysterious jungle lord named Ka-Zar shows up. Meanwhile, the Lethal Legion have plans for the smilodon.

Captain America sends Wolverine back to Xavier Academy to get his diploma and finish his remaining credits. Reptil tags along to see what Xavier Academy is like. To make matters worse, Ringmaster shows up and hypnotizes the entire X-Men team.

A new villain is in town Magneto! And he has tricked his own kids into a sinister plot to steal the Vault's fractals for Dr. Doom. But will the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver do dad's bidding or help Falcon save the day?

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