Monday, 15 December 2014

Redakai Lokar's Shadow HINDI Episodes [HD] Season 02

The series revolves around Ky, a 15-year-old student of ancient martial arts, who embarks on an epic quest to find the Kairu, a primordial alien energy source. Aided by his friends Maya and Boomer, Ky travels the world searching for the Kairu while attempting to make sure that his extraterrestrial teenage alien adversaries don’t find it first.

-Redakai: Lokar's Shadow Episodes In HINDI-

-Season 02 In Hindi- 

Team Stax travels to Lokar's Lair to stop him once and for all. But they run into trouble and destroy his lair. Lokar is no where to be found after this.

Team Radikor discovers that Lokar is missing. Zane comes to the conclusion that Lokar is gone forever. Meanwhile Team Stax meets Aldo in a village that is made in treetops. Team Stax discovers Zane has become more powerful.

Team Stax are surprised to see a new team of E-Teens, three triplet brothers who are frightening: the Hiverax.

Team Stax are sent to an island in search of Kairu. They discover not only their friend Ekayon but also harmful influences of Dark Kairu.

Team Imperiaz discover where Lokar has hidden their parents. The only problem is, Zane now holds the key to their release.

Team Stax meets three new warriors in training. Aprix, Gia and Balistar. The three go off on their own and meet up Team Radikor. Team Stax comes to their rescue.

Team Stax discovers the Kairu Cube. They battle Team Hiverax for it. Ky is trying to control his Plasma Metanoid, but is struggling. However, Team Stax prevails in the end, taking home the Kairu Cube. Upon returning, Master Boaddai reveals that they have only found half of the cube, and that the other half is useless if it falls into the wrong hands.

Team Stax travels back to Kieran's Castle. A possessed lion statue has been attacking Kieran. It is up to Team Stax to defeat it.

Team Radikor obtains new monsters and battle Team Stax.

Maya has a vision with Team Hiverax reporting to a strange figure that looks like Lokar. Could her vision be correct? Is Lokar still out there?

Shadow Kairu in the form of a dark misty shadow that is consuming the entire monastery like it did to Baoddai, it seems bent on draining energy from anything in its path. In the end, Ky is able to use a combination attack to fight back the shadow Kairu. Then all six of the warriors use their X-Readers to suck up all of the shadow Kairu 

Boomer wins a Platinum Froztok. It helps Team Stax defeat Team Imperiaz, while helping the Bayouviens.

Team Stax unknowingly locate Lokar's new lair. They discover that Lokar survived the explosion since his old lair was destroyed. They also find out that Team Hiverax works for Lokar. Team Hiverax find and kidnap Zane. They bring him to Lokar, where he takes back his X-Reader from Zane. At the end of the episode Team Hiverax abandon Zane in a blizzard.

Team Stax, the Hiverax, the Imperiaz, and the Raddacor (the other two members having rescued Zane from the blizzard) compete for the possession of the entire Kairu Cube. Whoever wins will receive the Cube, and may take a X-drive from any combatant. After Kai is defeated by Lokar, and a distracted Baoddai by Zane, the two face each other in the final. Zane attempts to rejoin Lokar, but is ruthlessly attacked and beaten by Lokar. Lokar takes on of Baoddai's monster Palladium, a monster so powerful it is only used in extreme circumstances. Lokar leaves with the cube and the E-teams.

Radikor and Team Stax find that a squid that turned giant because of shadow Kairu attacked Nanook and Cayoosh's village.

Episode 42,43 Skipped On Republic Day!

Lokar's shadow Kairu shows a image of Maya turning evil. In a battle with the Imperiez, Maya uses her shadow Kairu X-Drives to save Boomer and win but is affected by it. After being told by Ky to not use shadow Kairu anymore because of her character change when using it, she sneaks out and goes to Lokar to find out why shadow Kairu affects her and why she uses it so well. Maya meets Lokar and he gives her a lesson on how to control shadow Kairu and she should accept shadow Kairu. Discovering Maya has gone to Lokar, Ky and Boomer goes after her and sneaks into Lokar's base but got discovered when Boomer shouts to Maya, causing Lokar to summon the Imperiez. Maya then learns that Lokar traded a part of his soul to create shadow Kairu and she controls shadow Kairu well due to the shadow Kairu also having a part of her. In order to leave, Maya battles Lokar and wins by using shadow Kairu but nearly turns evil. She later saves Ky and Boomer from the Imperiez and returns with them. She decides to not use shadow Kairu again after seeing what it did to her during the battle with Lokar.

The Hiverax tricks Mookee into thinking that he has great powers and Zane has Palladium and plans to attack Baoddai. They give him a X-Reader to beat Zane so that they would become Lokar's number one team again. But their plan goes wrong when Mookee paralyzes Zane instead by accident and brings Zane back to the monastery to Baoddai. Mookee tells everyone what the Hiverax told him to do, causing them to wonder why the Hiverax did so. Then, Zane's paralysis wears off and challenges Team Stax to a battle so he could get revenge on Mookee, Zane's team arrives later. Seeing their plan has gone wrong, the Hiverax comes to beat Zane themselves. To beat Hiverax, Team Stax and Radikor teams up but got in a pinch. Mookee, feeling responsible saves Team Stax from falling of a bridge, and beats the Hiverax.

After Maya obtains a Platinum Harrier, the Hiverax challenges them to test their new attack which splits Ky into two, one possessing the thinking ability but is too careful, the other possessing the courage but is reckless. Baoddai tries to combine the Kys back together but lacks the power. On the mission to retrieve a new Kairu deposit, the two Kys could not agree with each other due to their varying characters. Then, the Hiverax arrive and challenges them but the Kys fight against each other instead. When the Hiverax tries to split Maya and Boomer, Maya intercepts the attack with her own, causing the attack to land on the Kys, fusing them back together. With Platinum Harrier and Platinum Froztok, Team Stax beats the Hiverax.

After getting beat again by Team Stax and gotten reprimanded by Lokar, the Imperiez decides to steal the Kairu in the monastery in order to impress Lokar. By spying on the monastery, they saw Baoddai taking the newly collected Kairu to the vault at night and heads there after Baoddai left. They drained as much Kairu as they could, becoming super charged and got a lot of new attacks. When exiting the vault, Boomer saw them and alerted the team. Wanting to drain more Kairu with Team Stax's X-Readers, they challenged Team Stax and won. They took Team Stax's X-Readers and went to the vault and found the Kairu pot from the alien vessel, attempting to take it. The beaten team Stax got Mookee to steal Ky's X-Reader back and Ky helped get Maya and Boomer's back as well. By making the Imperiez indecisive on which new attack to use, Team Stax won.

Episode 48 - Elimination Island 
The Hiverax lure the Radikor onto the electro-magnetic island with set Kairu in order to eliminate them. But, Team Stax also gets pulled onto the island. The Hiverax challenges both teams and due to the island's electro-magnetic field affecting Team Stax and Radikor's X-Readers, the Hiverax force them on a run throughout the island as the Hiverax's X-Readers work due to their modifications. On the run, they find the set Kairu and Ky uses it for an attack to temporarily short out the island's electro-magnetic field, allowing them to battle. But the field comes back up and the fallen Hiverax combines into Hydrax, forcing both teams to flee into the X-Scaper and hanks to Mookee's tuning of the ship's boosters, they escape the Hiverax and the island's electro-magnetic field.

Episode 49 - Battle of the Hiverax 
The Hiverax battle team Stax but the Kairu deposit drops into the river and two of the Hiverax jumps into the river to go after it, leaving Hexus to deal with Team Stax. When Maya hit Hexus with an attack, he falls into a trans like state with his eyes glowing red. Team Stax bring him onto the X-Scaper in order for Master Baoddai to take a look.

Episode 50 - The Spreading of the Shadow 
Ekayon will visit Team Stax and will help his friends to defeat Team Imperiaz and Team Radikor,but they will discover a scaring thing: the pure Kairu is turned into Shadow Kairu, because of a machine, created by Lokar. After they will return to the monastery, Ky will hear about a place, which contains the antidote for Shadow Kairu. So, he immediately goes to find it, but he doesn't know that Ekayon joined him.

Episode 51 - The End of the Shadow- Part 1 
Ky and Ekayon will go together to find the Prism Kairu (the antidote) and will find a cave(where the Prism Kairu is). Maya and Boomer will search for them, but a new tournament will start (without Ky and Ekayon), because Team Hiverax took the Kairu Cube. Team Stax will battle Team Imperiaz, and Team Hiverax vs. Team Radikor. the winners are Team Stax and Team Radikor, but the Tournament is interrupted by Lokar.

Episode 52 - The End of the Shadow- Part 2 Last Episode Of Redakai In Hindi!
Ky and Ekayon will go together to find the Prism Kairu (the antidote) and will find a cave(where the Prism Kairu is). Maya and Boomer will search for them, but a new tournament will start (without Ky and Ekayon), because Team Hiverax took the Kairu Cube. Team Stax will battle Team Imperiaz, and Team Hiverax vs. Team Radikor. the winners are Team Stax and Team Radikor, but the Tournament is interrupted by Lokar.

Watch Season 01 Here!

1 comment:

  1. Bhai koi Episode toh chaal nahi rah blog bna ka rakha bus
