Sunday 1 March 2015

Codename: Kids Next Door HINDI Episodes

Codename: Kids Next Door follows the adventures of five eager yet-bumbling ten year-olds as they join forces to fend off adult enemies including: Grandma Stuffum, Nightbrace, Stickybeard, Mr. Fibb and Mr. Wink, the Common Cold, Rupert Puttkin, the Evil Turnips, and of course, The Delightful Children From Down The Lane.

Season 01

"OPERATION: N.O.-P.O.W.U.H." When the thousands of hamsters that supply the THE KIDS NEXT DOOR tree house with power all go on vacation, the KND are left vulnerable to attack by GRAMMA STUFFUM and her army of living food. "OPERATION: T.E.E.T.H." The KIDS NEXT DOOR's love of candy places them in the dental crosshairs of KNIGHTBRACE, a maniacal vigilante bent on violently forcing superior oral hygiene on unsuspecting children.

 "OPERATION: C.A.N.N.O.N." With NUMBUH ONE away, the Treehouse becomes an easy target for raiding adults. When NUMBUH FOUR decides to take defensive matters into his own hands, will the power go straight to his head?

STICKYBEARD and his grizzled crew of candy pirates sniff out the KIDS NEXT DOOR'S candy depository and attack the KND Treehouse to steal it. When NUMBUH FIVE is shanghaied along with the candy booty, she has to choose between candy and her team. The KIDS NEXT DOOR meet LASSO LASS, the last active member of another era's version of the KND: THE COWBOY KIDS CLUB! LASSO LASS hasn't grown out of her adult fightin' ways and wants to team up with the KND, but can they trust an adult?

When the Treehouse is flooded with disgusting turnips, the KIDS NEXT DOOR journey to the source and battle a monster turnip with designs on moving up the food chain. 

A pesky fly finds its way into the Treehouse and garners five different reactions from the KIDS NEXT DOOR operatives. The KIDS NEXT DOOR learn that all the neighborhood teenagers are going to a secretive locale called "The Point," which NUMBUH ONE suspects houses an adult training facility. The KND stage a raid on the mountaintop retreat only to be horrified at what the teenagers are really doing.

A kid's cable network executive believes the KIDS NEXT DOOR would be perfect for their own show on his "kid-centric" network, but when the exec's nefarious motives are revealed, the KND decide not to follow the program. 

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