Sunday 19 July 2015

Astro Boy HINDI Episodes (2003)

Originally intended to be kept a secret, Astro Boy, a Pinocchio-like character, becomes a publicly renowned superhero — complete with devices such as laser-firing fingers, uncanny hearing, and jet-powered boots — all eventually used to repel an alien invasion of Earth.

Season 01

Dr. O'Shay activates Astro by drawing all of the city's power and using it to jolt Astro to life. But the power surge overloads the Metro City Power System, turning Magnamite, the robotic power-controller, into a robotic menace. When Magnamite comes crashing across the city like a huge mechanical octopus, Astro must master his amazing powers quickly in order to save the city from the rampaging robot.

When a friendly robot-dog invites Astro to watch a game of Rocket Ball, he looks forward to a fun day at the ballpark. Instead, the game turns chaotic when the robot players start destroying the stadium and threatening the human spectators. Astro must find a way to save the humans and get the robot athletes back under control!

On Deimos, one of the two moons of Mars, robot miners ignore the orders of their human foreman and mysteriously begin digging on their own. Astro must work fast to discover the cause of the robots' strange behavior before Intergalactic Security exterminates them for disobeying.

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