Tuesday 27 October 2015

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series HINDI Series 2 Episodes (2015) [HD]

Animation based n the highly popular live action series of the same name with many of the same characters including the hapless Mr Bean and his long-suffering girlfriend Irma Gobb.

Series 2 HINDI Episodes (2015)

Episode 06 - Cash Machine NEW
Mr Bean tries to retrieve his credit card from a cash dispenser and inadvertently ends up trapped in a bank vault!

Episode 07 - Litterbugs NEW
Bean is furious with the untidy state of the streets and all the people who drop litter so he goes on a one-man mission to clean up the town.

Episode 09 - Valentine's Bean NEW
Bean tries to be romantic but his idea of what that means proves very different to Irma's!

Episode 10 - All You Can Eat NEW
Mr Bean enters a competition to win a trolley of free food!

Episode 11 - Flat Pack NEW
Mr Bean is in need of a sturdy new bookcase and sets off to visit a furniture warehouse. He finds one that is perfect, but is outraged when he is told he has to build the bookcase himself! Bean is unfamiliar with flat pack assembly and struggles to construct his new bookcase, failing miserably when he discovers he is one screw short. Mr Bean heads back to the shop only to find it is closed!

Episode 12 - Holiday For Teddy NEW
Mr Bean decides to take Teddy on holiday to the seaside. When he arrives at his hotel a spoilt little girl wants Teddy all to herself. Her protective dad only wants the best for his little princess. A tussle ensues, resulting in a chase across town on to the pier. No one comes between Mr Bean, Teddy and their relaxing holiday!

Episode 13 - The Newspaper NEW
Mr Bean is left in peace when Mrs Wicket goes off on her holidays. This means Mr Bean has free access to her daily newspaper. Every time he goes down to collect it from the letterbox it has disappeared. Someone is taking it, but who? Mr Bean is determined to nab the mysterious newspaper stealer and uses a range of ingenious homemade traps in his quest to catch the sneaky thief.

Episode 14 - Viral Bean NEW
Mr Bean is trying to find a nice quiet place to read his book so he sets off for the library. There he is distracted by some funny online videos on the library computer. Before he knows it, Mr Bean is recording his own video, which is uploaded for everyone to see. Things start to go crazy when people check it out and his popularity takes off. Will he enjoy being in the public eye and how long will his celebrity last?

Episode 15 - Super Spy NEW
Mr Bean is obsessed by his TV hero Super Spy and is excited when his very own Super Spy kit arrives in the post. While Mr Bean is pretending to be his favourite character, and delighting in all his gadgets, he spots some unusual goings on in the Bruisers' house next door. Naturally Mr Bean assumes the worst and sets out to rectify the situation.

Episode 16 - Scout Bean NEW
The animated antics of the hapless bumbler Mr Bean. Mr Bean becomes scoutmaster for the day, but his obsession with badge collecting does not win him any friends.

Episode 17 - Back To School NEW
Mr Bean inadvertently becomes a teacher - but can he control the unruly class?

Episode 18 - Lord Bean NEW
Mr Bean finds out he is a lord and visits his Scottish family home - but keeping a castle is a costly business.

Episode 19 - Car Wars 
Mr Bean finally has a showdown with the mysterious Reliant Robin. Who will be the victor?

Episode 20 - Wedding Day NEW

Episode 21 - Bean Phone 
Mr Bean wants a smart phone but they are too expensive - especially when you can build your own!

Episode 22 - Hotel Bean 
Mr Bean takes a taxi to his local toy shop, but a dodgy cabbie thinks he can take Bean for a ride.

Episode 23 - Jurassic Bean NEW
Mr Bean goes in search of wildlife, but he is not expecting to see anything prehistoric!

Episode 24 - Caring Bean NEW
Mrs Wicket is injured and Mr Bean has to look after her - then her demands start to become a pain.

Episode 25 - Opera Bean NEW
Mr Bean's car has broken down and he is late meeting Irma at the opera. Bean finally arrives, but is refused entry because of his filthy attire. Forced to borrow some clothes from the local launderette, Bean is mistaken for the star of the show, and ends up on the stage giving the operatic performance of a lifetime!

Episode 26 - Taxi Bean 
Mr Bean takes a taxi to his local toy shop, but a dodgy cabbie thinks he can take Bean for a ride.

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